Oct. 19, 2022

“How do you just sit back and tell your loved one that there's no help coming?” (With Rosie Torres and Susan Zeier of Burn Pits 360)

So your community of veterans is getting sick because of toxic exposures on the job, but nobody, including the federal government, wants to take responsibility for your care. What do you do?

For Rosie Torres and Susan Zeier, the answer was the organize a major lobbying effort to ensure that burn pit victims like their family members were taken care of. For Rosie, the founder of Burn Pits 360, this involved organizing a community and marshaling the efforts of people like Susan, who were willing to show up again and again. They built a successful lobbying force and (with some help from Jon Stewart) passed the groundbreaking PACT Act earlier this year.


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To the best of our knowledge, all audio used by What Can I Do is in the public domain or is used with permission. Our theme song is Good Deeds by Serj Anto, and we hold a license for use of the song through PremiumBeat.


Original artwork is by Matthew Weflen and used with express permission. 

Rosie Torres Profile Photo

Rosie Torres

Co-Founder & Executive Director, Burn Pits 360